I'm trying to get cancan incorporated into my first ever Ruby on Rails app.
I'm having a problem getting started... its surely something basic.
My application has a list of projects, and a user may or may not have permission to see any number of them.
I added this to my ProjectsController:
class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
My initialize method looks like this:
def initialize(user)
user ||= User.new # guest user
puts "******** Evaluating cancan permissions for: " + user.inspect
can :read, Project do |project|
puts "******** Evaluating project permissions for: " + project.inspect
# project.try(project_users).any?{|project_user| project_user.user == user}
1 == 1 #POC test!
When I have this, the project index page appears, but no projects are listed.
2 questions I have here:
- Shouldn't all of the projects appear since true is returned for all projects?
- The second puts statement is not written to the rails server console, but the first one is. Why is that???
If I change the initialize method to:
def initialize(user)
user ||= User.new # guest user
puts "******** Evaluating cancan permissions for: " + user.inspect
can :read, Project
... I see all of the projects as I would expect
If I remove the can :read, Project line, I get a security exception trying to hit the projects index page.... also what I'd expect.