
Guidance is required to configure Visual Studio 2012 compiler with VIX API. I have already installed VIX API on my computer with Windows 8 64bit operating system.

Can anyone show me step by step how to:

  • setup the compiler
  • compile samples
  • compile my own program

I have already read VMWare Reference guide for VIX API.

Any help will be appreciated.

Learn to walk before you learn to run. If you can't write Hello, World yourself, you're not yet ready to deal with VIX.MSalters
ok i wrote a program and i need to compile it. I don't know Visual Studio. I have problems with workspaceuser2219455
File>New>New project from existing code. Or if you want to start from scratch, File>New>New Project>Win32 console app.MSalters
Could you also tell me. If i would like to get screenshot (VixVM_CaptureScreenImage). I know that i have to be log as guest(VixVM_LoginInGuest). To log as a Guest had i use VixHost_Connect? or simply only (VixVM_Open)? thanks a lotuser2219455

1 Answers


My answer is based on the VMWare Reference guide 1- the first thing you should consider is that you need to work with wrapper library

If you do not use the wrapper, you need to link the appropriate Vix libraries for the VMware product to which your Vix program connects.

2- if you want to work with VS2008 and later version, you must use compile with Dynamic lib.

2.1- righClick on Project >> propertice >> configuration propertice >>c/c++ >> code generation >> runtime library: set to 'Multi-threaded(/MT)'

2.2- righClick on Project >> propertice >> configuration propertice >> linker >> general >> Aditional library Directory: add installed directory of vix to this option . for example:"C:\VMware_VIX"

2.3- in the above path, check 'link library dependencies' and 'use library dependency inputs' option to 'yes'.

2.4- in above linker path, linker >> input >> additional dependencies , add this '.lib' files.

  • VixAllProductsDyn.lib
  • kernel32.lib
  • user32.lib
  • advapi32.lib
  • ole32.lib
  • oleaut32.lib
  • ws2_32.lib
  • shell32.lib

now , click 'ok'. you can compile and run you program :)