Hello I am trying to create in Backbone Marionette something similar to the "Rest Backbone Example, Exercise 2" from Addy Osmani's Backbone Fundamentals.
See here: http://github.com/addyosmani/backbone-fundamentals/tree/gh-pages/exercise-2
I understand most of it, but am having difficulty parsing/fetching the json to a backbone marionette compositeview.
A simple example of the rendering im trying to do is like this: http:/jsfiddle.net/w3r5B/ (Inspired by David Sulc's tutorial, http://davidsulc.github.com/backbone.marionette-collection-example/)
*The JSfiddle example is JSON to Marionette, but im trying to sent the data straight from the server.
Im using node, express, mongoose, mongodb btw. Thanks.
returned in your JSON. Still not clear what exactly the problem is though. It would help stating what you expect to get and what you actually get in the final rendered page. – Thalis K.tagName
should be 'li' and the AngryCatsView's should be 'ul'. Additionally you don't need to overrideappendHTML()
any more since you are just appending the <li>'s, which is the default behavior. – Thalis K.