(Re-written for clarity)
I have a multi-project solution that I am looking to convert from using .lib to .DLL files. I have created my __declspec macros and applied it to every class except for those in the project that creates the final .exe. The linker is throwing a fit on just about everything, however. I have set up to ignore errors about exporting templated objects.
One example is this:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall Rail::SetNextRail(class Rail *)" (__imp_?SetNextRail@Rail@@QAEXPAV1@@Z) referenced in function "public: static void __cdecl MyUtilities::CreateBezierRails(int,class MyVector *,class std::vector > &)" (?CreateBezierRails@MyUtilities@@SAXHPAVMyVector@@AAV?$vector@PAVRail@@V?$allocator@PAVRail@@@std@@@std@@@Z) MyUtilities.obj
Unresolved external symbol on my __declspec(dllimport)? That doesn't seem right. It is getting placed by a macro such as:
#define DECLSPECAI __declspec(dllexport)
#define DECLSPECAI __declspec(dllimport)
Basically, what gives? Why am I getting these errors and how can I fix them? Thank you to everybody who has tried to help thus far, but I am still stuck with this.