I have an OpenCV application, with additional CUDA(.cu) files which I would like to debug using Parallel NSight. NSight debugging works on CUDA samples (without OpenCV .cpp files), but when I try to start the debugger in my application the debugger loads lots of additional modules ("no symbols loaded") and crashes with this error:
OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (out of memory) in unknown function, file ..\.\
opencv-2.4.4\modules\core\src\gpumat.cpp, line 1415
Also, a window gets opened: "Microsoft Visual c++ Debug Library", with: "Debug error!" and "R6010 abort has been called".
What could be the issue? Could loading of this modules be avoided? I am not sure that they are necessary.
And how to correctly debug CUDA kernels? I know CPU and GPU code cannot be debugged at the same time.
I am pretty sure that loading of more than 200 kernels makes it crash. Single gpu::GpuMat declaration has more than 100 kernels(modules) on its own, then SURF, BFM and similar algorithms run the rest...
I´d like to debug only kernels in which I put breakpoints (i.e. my own kernels, not OpenCV ones). Is it possible to exclude other modules/kernels somehow?