While an advanced wildcard search isn't strictly possible in Azure Table Storage, you can use a combination of the "ge" and "lt" operators to achieve a "prefix" search. This process is explained in a blog post by Scott Helme here.
Essentially this method uses ASCII incrementing to query Azure Table Storage for any rows whose property begins with a certain string of text. I've written a small Powershell function that generates the custom filter needed to do a prefix search.
Function Get-AzTableWildcardFilter {
param (
Begin {}
Process {
$SearchArray = ([char[]]$FilterText)
$SearchArray[-1] = [char](([int]$SearchArray[-1]) + 1)
$SearchString = ($SearchArray -join '')
End {
Write-Output "($($FilterProperty) ge '$($FilterText)') and ($($FilterProperty) lt '$($SearchString)')"
You could then use this function with Get-AzTableRow
like this (where $CloudTable is your Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table.CloudTable
Get-AzTableRow -Table $CloudTable -CustomFilter (Get-AzTableWildcardFilter -FilterProperty 'RowKey' -FilterText 'foo')