
I have kendo grid and chart in my application.I am using shared data source for both grid and chart.But i want to use same datasource for both grid and chart without using shared datasource.I want to bind the result of grid as chart datasource.Is it possible?If it is possible how to do that?If any one know about this please help me..


1 Answers


Well if you do not want to use shared dataSource then you have to use different dataSource with the same configuration object. I guess you are trying to stay DRY.

To do so you can use the same configuration object in both places. e.g.

var configDS = {
                        type: "odata",
                        transport: {
                            read: "..."
                        schema: {
                            model: {
                                fields: {
                        pageSize: 20,
                        serverPaging: true,
                        serverFiltering: true,
                        serverSorting: true

       dataSource: configDS 
       //other options for Grid
      //other options for Chart