I am using ASP.NET MVC 4, the .NET Braintree Payments API, and Braintree.js.
Here is a simple wrapper I have built for Braintree:
public class PaymentBL
private static BraintreeGateway _braintreeGateway = new BraintreeGateway
Environment = Braintree.Environment.SANDBOX,
MerchantId = "xxxxxxx",
PublicKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
PrivateKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
public Result<Transaction> ChargeCardOnce(decimal amount, string cardholderName, string cardNumber, string expiration,
string cvv)
TransactionCreditCardRequest creditCardRequest = new TransactionCreditCardRequest();
creditCardRequest.CardholderName = cardholderName;
creditCardRequest.Number = cardNumber;
creditCardRequest.ExpirationDate = expiration;
creditCardRequest.CVV = cvv;
TransactionOptionsRequest optionsRequest = new TransactionOptionsRequest();
optionsRequest.SubmitForSettlement = true;
TransactionRequest transactionRequest = new TransactionRequest();
transactionRequest.Amount = amount;
transactionRequest.CreditCard = creditCardRequest;
transactionRequest.Options = optionsRequest;
return _braintreeGateway.Transaction.Sale(transactionRequest);
/// <summary>
/// Stores a credit card in the Braintree vault. In some cases, will put a $1 temporary charge
/// on the credit card that will come off a few days later.
/// From BrainTree: Regardless of card type, any instance where a $1 authorization returns a successful result,
/// we immediately follow-up with an automatic void request to ensure that the transaction will fall off
/// of the cardholder's statement as soon as possible.
/// </summary>
public Result<CreditCard> StoreCustomer(int customerId, string cardholderName, string cardNumber, string expiration, string cvv)
//CreditCardAddressRequest addressRequest = new CreditCardAddressRequest();
//addressRequest.PostalCode = postalCode;
CreditCardOptionsRequest optionsRequest = new CreditCardOptionsRequest();
optionsRequest.VerifyCard = true;
optionsRequest.VerificationMerchantAccountId = _braintreeGateway.MerchantId;
CreditCardRequest creditCard = new CreditCardRequest();
creditCard.CustomerId = customerId.ToString();
creditCard.Token = customerId.ToString(); // Use same token to ensure overwrite
creditCard.CardholderName = cardholderName;
creditCard.Number = cardNumber;
creditCard.ExpirationDate = expiration;
creditCard.CVV = cvv;
creditCard.Options = optionsRequest;
return _braintreeGateway.CreditCard.Create(creditCard);
/// <summary>
/// Search BrainTree vault to retrieve credit card
/// </summary>
/// <param name="customerId"></param>
public CreditCard GetCreditCardOnFile(int customerId)
Customer customer = null;
customer = _braintreeGateway.Customer.Find(customerId.ToString());
catch (Braintree.Exceptions.NotFoundException)
return null;
if (customer.CreditCards == null || customer.CreditCards.Length == 0)
return null;
if (customer.CreditCards.Length >= 2)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Customer {0} has {1} credit cards",
customerId, customer.CreditCards.Length));
return customer.CreditCards[0];
When I call this method, it works:
Result<Transaction> result = paymentBL.ChargeCardOnce(
, formCollection["name"]
, formCollection["number"]
, formCollection["exp"]
, formCollection["cvv"]
Subsequently, I can view the completed test transactions in the Braintree dashboard. Therefore, I know that the encrypted form values from Braintree.js are arriving at my controller action correctly, and that my keys and merchant account IDs are all set up correctly.
When I replace the above call to ChargeCardOnce with the below call to StoreCustomer, I receive an Braintree.Exceptions.AuthorizationException at the line return _braintreeGateway.CreditCard.Create(creditCard);
Result<CreditCard> result = paymentBL.StoreCustomer(
, formCollection["name"]
, formCollection["number"]
, formCollection["exp"]
, formCollection["cvv"]
From Braintree support: "You are able to create a customer as well as a credit card in the sandbox, as it is built to exactly mirror what the production environment would look like."
Has anyone experience this also? I'm referring Braintree support to this question, but if anyone on SO has seen this and knows a solution or workaround, I would be much relieved.