
I have a web service protected by HTTPS with NTLM authentication and I generated a set of java stubs using CXF's wsdl2java tool by temporarily disabling authentication. I am now attempting to use the Java stubs within an applet that connects to the web service with the authentication turned back on. My intention was to edit the Java stubs to include authentication cookies from the browser's session into CXF client connection to the web service. The only problem is that the stub merely calls "super()" on the Service class and it handles all of the connection on its own. Does anyone know how to use CXF's java stubs generated from wsdl2java to connect to a web service protected by https and NTLM authentication?

here is the constructor stub:

public Visual_Service(URL wsdlLocation) {
    super(wsdlLocation, SERVICE);

1 Answers


not that I've tried it but theres a description at the bottom of this page cwiki