
I have nested classes/objects and want to store (and retrieve) them in a database by using SLICK. I understand that with SLICK mapped projection would be key. Furthermore I use a companion object to map between nested objects and flat structure (to be stored in the DB table). I want to do something like this (simplified example):

case class Foo(id: Int, myBar: Bar)

case class Bar(myInt: Int, myString: String)

object Foo {
  def apply(id: Int, myInt: Int, myString: String): Foo = Foo(id, Bar(myInt, myString))

  override def unapply(f: Foo) = (f.id, f.myBar.myInt, f.myBar.myString)

object TTable extends Table[Foo]("FOO") {
    def id = column[Int]("id",  O.PrimaryKey)
    def myInt = column[Int]("myInt", O NotNull)
    def myString = column[String]("myString", O NotNull)

    def * = id ~ myInt ~ myString <> (Foo.apply _, Foo.unapply _)

    def query(db: Database, id: Int): Option[Foo] = db withSession { //s: Session =>
        (for { b <- TTable if b.id is id} yield b).firstOption

But the compilation fails with several errors: "method unapply is defined twice", "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition, both method apply [...] match expected type ?" and "overloaded method value <> with alternatives"

I found this excellent explanation of mapped projection "scala slick method I can not understand so far" and "Mapped projection with <> to a case class with companion object in Slick" but none of the suggested solutions work for me.


1 Answers


Instead of unapply and apply, you could just pass in lambdas that do what you want:

  def * = id ~ myInt ~ myString <> (
    (id,myInt,myString) => Foo(id, Bar(myInt, myString)),    /* from a row to a Foo */
    (f:Foo) => Some((f.id, f.myBar.myInt, f.myBar.myString)) /* and back */)

This way, the mapping from table rows to case classes stays in the table definition, and the case classes stay as simple case classes, which isn't too bad.

The other way would have been to not use a case class for Foo, but a regular class instead which leaves you free to define your own apply and unapply in a companion object, like so:

// untested code
class Foo private (val id: Int, val myBar: Bar) 
case class Bar(myInt: Int, myString: String)
object Foo {
  def apply(id: Int, myInt: Int, myString: String): Foo = new Foo(id, Bar(myInt, myString))
  def unapply(f: Foo) = Some((f.id, f.myBar.myInt, f.myBar.myString))

If you want to do def * = id ~ myInt ~ myString <> (Foo.apply _, Foo.unapply _)

You'll get case-class-like usage to an extent, but you might miss the other nice stuff like having equals and toString for free as with actual case classes. I'd rather keep the case classes (and their default apply unapply) so they can be treated as algebraic data types in the normal convention.

The real issue here is that case classes have their own unapply so you can't (as far as I know) have a similar method (same name and same arguments) in your companion class. You could simply just use another method name. After all, what you want to do isn't semantically equivalent to unapply anyway:

object Foo {
  def fromRow(id: Int, myInt: Int, myString: String): Foo = Foo(id, Bar(myInt, myString))
  def toRow(f: Foo) = Some((f.id, f.myBar.myInt, f.myBar.myString))

Then in your table schema:

def * = id ~ myInt ~ myString <> (Foo.fromRow _, Foo.toRow _)