I am working on a large, worldwide application, which includes access from areas of low bandwidth. As such, I want to use a minimum of SSJS or partial refreshes for all the complex hide/when calculations. Here is what I have so far for a simple "hide/when":
- A Yes/No radio button, with CSJS to show a panel ("Yes") or hide the panel ("No").
- The panel has a formTable inside it, and the values are shown or hidden, as per #1.
In the XPage's onClientLoad, the following code is run:
// "getRadioValue" is a simple script to return the value of a radio button var v_value = getRadioValue("#{id:radioButton}"); v_div = '#{javascript:getClientId("radioButtonPanel")}'; // show or hide div simply use dojo to change the display of the panel if (v_value == 'Yes') { showDiv(v_div); } else { hideDiv(v_div); };
For a new document, the onClientLoad script will hide the "radioButtonPanel" successfully. Changing the radio button to "Yes" will show the radioButtonPanel, just as clicking "No" will hide it. It works great! :-)
Once the document is saved and reopened in read mode, though, the onClientLoad CSJS event should read the saved value in the document, and decide to show the panel or not. When the document is opened in edit mode, the onClientLoad fires, reads the radioButton value and successfully shows or hides the panel.
This is what I've tried so far, to get it to work in read mode:
- In CSJS, using "#{javascript:currentDocument.getItemValueString('radioButton'}" to get the value,
- Doing some calculations in the "rendered" or "visible" properties, but that's SSJS and, if hidden, prevents any of the "show/hideDiv" CSJS visibility style changes.
Adding an old fashioned "div" to compute the style (which is what I used to do before XPages), but since I can't do pass-thru html any more, I can't seem to get a CSJS calculation for the style. Ideally, I can do something like this:
<div id="radioButtonPanel" style="<ComputedValue>">
Where the ComputedValue would read the back end value of the document, and decide to add nothing or "display:none".
Note that I don't want to use viewScopes, since this long form would need many of them for all the other hide/when's.
Is there any way to make this 100% CSJS? I feel like I'm very close, but I wonder if there's something I'm just missing in this whole process.