I'm trying to create a user control in my code behind, and then respond to events in that control. Presumably because the control doesn't exist at compile time, Visual Studio can't compile the handler subroutine I created to catch my control's event. Importantly, I want to decide the type of control at runtime (which is why I'm not just hard-coding it).
[before going on, the controls work correctly, including events and event handlers when used in the 'normal' way of creating the controls in XAML. I want to create the control instances in code behind so I can avoid duplicating pages that are 99% identical]
This 'works' (but doesn't give me the flexibility I need):
Public WithEvents AnswerPanel As MyControls.ScrollerControl
... (and the initialisation in the New() sub):
AnswerPanel = New MyControls.ScrollerControl
AddHandler AnswerPanel.GuessMade, AddressOf CheckAnswer
... (this is the handler sub responding to a custom event in the ScrollerControl)
Public Sub CheckAnswer(answer As String) Handles AnswerPanel.GuessMade
With the code above everything works as I expect: the control is created at runtime and its event is handled correctly.
What I want to achieve is to be able to choose a different user control when I initialise my control (e.g. ScrollerControl2, ScrollerControl3, etc.) I can create the controls this way by changing the first line to:
Public WithEvents AnswerPanel As UserControl
But once that change is made I can no longer reference the custom event in my handler as (presumably) the compiler sees it as a generic UserControl, which doesn't include my custom GuessMade event. The compiler errors on the event name and tells me it doesn't exist.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here. I think it's a theory/concept issue rather than my code.
Am I on the right track or going about this in the wrong way?