(Sorry for my incoherent question: I tried to answer some questions as I was writing this post, but here it is:)
I'm trying to create a database model with a many-to-many relationship inside a link table, but which also has a value per link, in this case a stock-keeping table. (this is a basic example for more problems I'm having, but I thought I'd just test it with this before I would continue).
I've used exportmwb to generate the two Entities Store and Product for this simple example, both are displayed below.
However, the problem now is that I can't figure out how to access the stock.amount value (signed int, as it can be negative) using Doctrine. Also, when I try to create the tables using doctrine's orm:schema-tool:create function
This yielded only two Entities and three tables, one as a link table without values and two data tables, as many-to-many relationships aren't entities themselves so I can only have Product and Store as an entity.
So, logically, I tried changing my database model to have stock as a separate table with relationships to store and product. I also rewrote the fieldnames just to be able to exclude that as a source of the problem:
Then what I found was that I still didn't get a Stock entity... and the database itself didn't have an 'amount'-field.
I really needed to be able to bind these stores and products together in a stock table (among other things)... so just adding the stock on the product itself isn't an option.
root@hdev:/var/www/test/library# php doctrine.php orm:info
Found 2 mapped entities:
[OK] Entity\Product
[OK] Entity\Store
And when I create the database, it still doesn't give me the right fields in the stock table:
So, looking up some things here, I found out that many-to-many connections aren't entities and thus cannot have values. So I tried changing it to a separate table with relationships to the others, but it still didn't work.
What am I doing wrong here?