As the title says, I would like to reuse a given ShaderMaterial for different meshes, but with a different set of uniforms for each mesh (in fact, some uniforms may vary between meshes, but not necessarily all of them): is it possible ?
It seems a waste of resources to me to have to create a full ShaderMaterial for each mesh in this circumstance, the idea being to have a single vertex/fragment shader program but to configurate it through different uniforms, whose values would change depending on the mesh. If I create a new ShaderMaterial for each mesh, I will end up with a lots of duplications (vertex+fragment programs + all other data members of the Material / ShaderMaterial classes).
If the engine was able to call a callback before drawing a mesh, I could change the uniforms and achieve what I want to do. Another possibility would be to have a "LiteShaderMaterial" which would hold a pointer to the shared ShaderMaterial + only the specific uniforms for my mesh.
Note that my question is related to this one Many meshes with the same geometry and material, can I change their colors? but is still different, as I'm mostly concerned about the waste of resources - performance wise I don't think it would be a lot different between having multiple ShaderMaterial or a single one, as the engine should be smart enough to note that all materials have the same programs and don't resend them to the gfx card.