Please can you help me out I am new to as3 and I am trying to create a shuffled deck using the Fisher-Yates Algorithm. When I run the code with ctrl-enter it compiles with no errors but when I try to output it with trace(); it comes back with:
Scene 1, Layer 'actions', Frame 1, Line 6 1120: Access of undefined property shuffledArray.
Like I said I am new to this and it will be me doing something very stupid but all the same i'm stuck.
Here is the code
package src.CardDeck
public class CardDeck
public var allCards:Array = [];
public var cardNames:Array;
public var cardValues:Array;
public var gameType:String;
public var drawnCards:uint = 0;
public function CardDeck(game:String)
gameType = game;
cardNames = ["Ace","Two","Three",
if(gameType == "texasholdem")
cardValues = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,10];
function makeSuit(suitString:String):void
var card:Object;
for(var i:uint = 0; i < cardNames.length; i++)
card = {};
card.cardType = suitString;
card.cardName = cardNames[i];
card.cardValue = cardValues[i];
card.isDrawn = false;
public function shuffleFisherYates():Array
var shuffledArray:Array = [];
var randomCardIndex: int;
randomCardIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()* allCards.length);
shuffledArray.push(allCards[randomCardIndex]); // add to mix
allCards.splice(randomCardIndex,1); // remove from deck
}while(allCards.length); // Meaning while allCards.length != 0
return shuffledArray;
and here is the .fla actions layer
import src.CardDeck.CardDeck;
var deck:CardDeck = new CardDeck("texasholdem");
I know its probably something silly but i'm struggling.
Thanks in advance!