I need to support the same functionality of Keytool.exe to convert java keystore to PFX file through programming by using KeyTool class. I cant use command prompt process from my application due to the project requirement limitation so through programming i cannot open command process either.
C:\keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore .k eystore -srcstoretype JKS -destkeystore thekeystore.pfx -deststoretype PKCS12
I can create PFX file by keytool.exe by using above command but my requirement is to generate the PFX file by the keystore from my own application. I searched a lot on google and i could not find any helpful link which can give any reference or help regarding this issue. There is a class sun.security.tools.Keytool i searched this as well but i am not able to find any general programming help for this class. Kindly if someone has any tip or idea then share it.