
I have a class which implements ContainerRequestFilter, i want to inject some spring dependencies into it so i need to make Spring aware of the Jersey filter. The filter itself is configured in my web.xml with the Jersey servlet

    <servlet-name>Jersey Spring Web Application</servlet-name>

The filter class then attempts to inject the Manager bean. In order to make spring aware of the Filter bean i have defined the bean in my applicationContext.xml and included.

public class MyFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {

private Manager manager;

I've attempted to make the filter bean visible by forcing Spring to use proxy generated classes however this is not working

<mvc:annotation-driven />

<aop:aspect-autoproxy />    

<bean id="filter" class="com.MyFilter">
    <property name="manager" ref="Manager" />

Any suggestions on how i can edit existing code to allow the filter see spring beans?


2 Answers


Since you are using Jersey's Spring Servlet, spring dependencies can be injected into the filter using the annotation @InjectParam

//@Component -> This is not required.
public class MyFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {

private Manager manager;

I feel this is the idiomatic way of using Jersey and Spring together.


This is something that is quite common for Spring Security applications. You should utilize the DelegatingFilterProxy for this.

You will add this filter to your web.xml via the <filter> tag, and you then configure it as a bean in your application container. You can then use it to delegate to a Spring configured filter that you have in your application context.

I am unfamiliar with how Jersey's SpringServlet work, but that is how I would delegate to a Spring configured filter.