The default columns recorded by Windows Azure Diagnostics are:
- PartitionKey - ?????
- RowKey - ?????
- Timestamp - The time and date this log was recorded
- EventTickCount - ?????
- DeploymentId - ?????
- Role - The name of the Worker/Web Role this log call was made from
- RoleInstance - The name of the Azure Application Instance this log call was made from
- Level - The level (Debug, Info, Error) of this log
- EventId - ?????
- Pid - ?????
- Tid - ?????
- Message - The actual contents of the log call
I've scoured MSDN for an explanation of what information is recorded in each of these columns. I can infer the meaning of some of them based on the name of the column and the data it contains, but there are some I can't figure out.
What data is recorded in PartitionKey, RowKey, EventTickCount, DeploymentId, EventId, Pid, and Tid?