We have a chart containing 4 series of data that are shown only one at a time. All 4 series are already added to the chart just that 3 are not visible. To view another series you click on it in the legend. Now that series is viewable but the other 3 are not.
Here is a sample of what we are doing: jsFiddle. Note that is does not have the export buttons enabled - see item 3 below.
We are allowing the user to export the chart. Testing this we have found 2 issues (and a third just came up while trying to make a jsFiddle for this post):
1) Upon changing the range via the rangeSelector
buttons it renders corectly but upon export the "highlighted" range selection is the one in that is the default selection when the chart initially loads. Solved this by removing the rangeSelector
from the export. Which is not really an ideal solution but it hides the bug. Here is how we did it:
exporting: {
chartOptions: {
rangeSelector: {
enabled: false
buttons: {
enabled: false
filename: 'UnempRate',
width: 590
2) When changing what the series is that is visible we also set the navigator series to it and update the chart title (which we have at the bottom of the graph). When a user exports the data the main graph has the correct series listed but the navigator goes back to the original "loaded" series and so does the chart title.
3) When trying to create a jsFiddle of this I get errors on the events: legendItemClick
that the chartTrend
is not defined only if I set the export buttons to be enabled:
navigation: {
buttonOptions: {
enabled: false
So I am not sure how to let you guys see the issue here.
Basically we want the navigator series and the chart title to match what the user has selected via the legendItemClick
when they choose to export the chart.