From my understanding the attributes of a Backbone.js model are supposed to be declared as somewhat private member variables by saying
this.set({ attributeName: attributeValue })
// accessing the value
But when I am writing functions whitin the actual model it seems much simpler to say like this:
this.attributeName = attributeValue;
// accessing the value
Also I would assume that the latter version would be faster to process since it doesn't go through backbone.js's event management.
So I was wondering how you pros do with attributes that are primarily used internally in the model. These are the attributes that one would actually want to be a bit shielded from the outside so having them exposed like in the latter example maybe isn't right still. When I have been looking at examples for the backbone.js view which doesn't have get and set methods it seems fine to do like in the second example. So is there any nice rule of thumb when to use get/set(attribute) or this.attribute when coding within the model? Or maybe an example of a model that makes this clearer?
, rather than putting it in the managed area of a BackboneModel
object. – WiredPrairie