I'm trying to recover the phase of a simple (audio) signal in matlab: In matlab I do the following:
% This wave is perfectly periodic in the sample. That is,
% there are exactly 1000 periods.
swave = sin( 2 * pi * (0:10000) * 441/44100);
% Find the fft
sFFT = fft(swave);
% Remove the duplicate data in the FFT
sFFT = sFFT(1:length(sFFT)/2);
% Take a look a the amplitudes from the FFT and it checks out
freqs = 44100/ 2*linspace(0,1,length(sFFT);
plot(freqs, abs(sFFT));
% Now to get the phase
plot(freqs, angle(sFFT));
This result makes almost no sense to me. Because this is a sin wave (not a cos wave). I expect to see 1/2*pi = 1.57079 for the value of the 441hz bin. Instead I see a nearly discontinuous jump from (441, -1.539) to (445, 1.603). Why is 441 so far from the correct value? Why is 445 so close?
The value for all of the bins besides 441 hz are a mystery to me. I've also tried several other methods of recovering the phase including unwrap(angle(sFFT)) and atan2(imag(sFFT), real(sFFT)); These change the output but also do not make any sense to me. Why are bins besides 441 any value but 0 (like the abs(FFT) shows?). Why is the 441 bin close but not the correct value?
Thanks for the help!
? it corrects phase angles to produce smoother phase plots, see mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/unwrap.html – bla