
I am developer implementing Google checkout payment gateway for my client .I have a problem in making a test account for buyer
https://sandbox.google.com/checkout and for seller when i go to the following URL. sandbox buyer account at https://sandbox.google.com/checkout

the following error will occur: 503. That’s an error. The service you requested is not available at this time. Service error -27. That’s all we know.

I also have a gmail account .Can i use this in making sandbox buyer and seller account.


2 Answers


I was facing the same issue today.

After a couples of tries and some guesses, I got it working.

Instead of https://sandbox.google.com/checkout, go to this link: https://sandbox.google.com/checkout/

The only difference is that the second link has an extra forward-slash.

Hope it helps.

Thank you. : )


I have checked the links mention by you in question. This error is occur due to some reasons.
Reasons may be as following:

  1. Due to the slow connection of internet.
  2. you need to Login on Gmail on same browser in new tab.
  3. Have you try it by refreshing the URL two three times.

May be these problems are there with you. So try again to access this URL.

For more help check this link: Google_Checkout_Basic_HTML_Sandbox