I've a controller that uses a Dialog from angular-ui/bootstrap:
function ClientFeatureController($dialog, $scope, ClientFeature, Country, FeatureService) {
//Get list of client features for selected client (that is set in ClientController)
$scope.clientFeatures = ClientFeature.query({clientId: $scope.selected.client.id}, function () {
console.log('getting clientfeatures for clientid: ' + $scope.selected.client.id);
//Selected ClientFeature
$scope.selectedClientFeature = {};
* Edit selected clientFeature.
* @param clientFeature
$scope.editClientFeature = function (clientFeature) {
//set selectedClientFeature for data binding
$scope.selectedClientFeature = clientFeature;
var dialogOpts = {
templateUrl: 'partials/clients/dialogs/clientfeature-edit.html',
controller: 'EditClientFeatureController',
resolve: {selectedClientFeature: function () {
return clientFeature;
} }
//open dialog box
$dialog.dialog(dialogOpts).open().then(function (result) {
if (result) {
$scope.selectedClientFeature = result;
$scope.selectedClientFeature.$save({clientId: $scope.selectedClientFeature.client.id}, function (data, headers) {
}, null);
I'm almost completely new to testing, and figured that maybe I need to test two things:
- That a dialog opens when $scope.editClientFeature() is called
- That $save is called successfully after a dialog is closed and returns a 'result'
My really messed up test now looks like this:
describe('ClientFeatureController', function () {
var scope, $dialog, provider;
beforeEach(function () {
inject(function ($controller, $httpBackend, $rootScope, _$dialog_) {
scope = $rootScope;
$dialog = _$dialog_;
//mock client
scope.selected = {};
scope.selected.client = {
id: 23805
$httpBackend.whenGET('http://localhost:3001/client/' + scope.selected.client.id + '/clientfeatures').respond(mockClientFeatures);
$controller('ClientFeatureController', {$scope: scope});
it('should inject dialog service from angular-ui-bootstrap module', function () {
console.log($dialog); //{}
var dialog;
var createDialog = function (opts) {
dialog = $dialog.dialog(opts);
describe('when editing a clientfeature', function () {
console.log(dialog); //undefined
// var res;
// var d;
// beforeEach(function () {
// var dialogOpts = {
// template: '<div>dummy template</div>'
// };
// console.log(dialog);
// d = $dialog.dialog(dialogOpts);
// d.open();
// });
// it('should open a dialog when editing a client feature', function () {
// expect(d.isOpen()).toBe(true);
// });
The immediate problem now is that I'm unable to create/open a dialog. I get the following error:
Chrome 25.0 (Mac) ClientFeatureController when editing a clientfeature encountered a declaration exception FAILED
TypeError: Cannot call method 'dialog' of undefined
It would be great if someone has already written a test for a similar use case and can provide me with an example as I'm pretty lost.
Thanks, Shaun