I'm trying to use BRISK implementation of OpenCV (for C++) in order to check in a photo if an image (or a part of an image) is included in. For example, I take a photo, and I try to match it with a set of images in database, and I would like to select the best corresponding image (or an error message if none of all the images is good enough).
So, I'm just testing OpenCV for the moment. I've simply taken the sample included in the framework (matching_to_many_images), and change the detector and descriptor from SURF to BRISK.
However, I have weird results. These are the results of matching (BruteForce Hamming):
In the first one, the scenes are entirely different, but there are a lot of matches! In the second one, the scenes are pretty similar, but some matches are wrong.
I think this is a parameters issue- because on demo videos of BRISK, the results are significant.