I have a script which fits some optical data to a sum of Lorentzian oscillators, and then spits out a figure with the original data and the fit. I would also like to include a text annotation with a table of the fitting parameters, but cannot figure out how to get rows and columns in my text box.
Each peak has 3 parameters and then there are 3 more global fitting parameters. My first try was to do this:
ParamTableLabels = {'\omega_p (cm^{-1})', '\omega_0 (cm^{-1})', '\Gamma (cm^{-1})'};
ParamTableVals = num2cell(Ef);
ParamTableLabels2 = {'d (\mu{m})','\epsilon_\infty','Scale'};
ParamTableVals2 = {ThickFit,EinfFit,ScaleFit};
ParamTable = vertcat(ParamTableLabels,ParamTableVals,ParamTableLabels2,ParamTableVals2);
where Ef is my 3xN matrix of fitting parameters. After generating my figure, I try to place the table in my plot at a suitable set of coordinates X,Y using:
and the result is a single column of text, no rows. My second attempt, which sort of works is to break up each column:
text(X, Y,ParamTable(:,1));
text(X+dX, Y,ParamTable(:,2));
This almost works, but the subscripts in the labels throw off the vertical alignment of the last few rows, and it takes an undue amount of tinkering to get the spacing correct. I'm spending more time trying to get the text box to look right than to do the actual modelling.
How can I programatically format a block of text, containing both labels and variables, into rows and columns, and then use it as a text annotation in a figure with minimal user tinkering?
etc. Even if you make up random data. – Pursuit