I want to create an object with properties and methods in Clojure, I read that gen-class and proxy can do the job I need but its implementation is very confusing for me.
I want to use proxy to avoid AOT compilation steps, I read about it and I though I better learn how to use the easier of the two
Here is what I want to do in Clojure
Java code:
public class MyClass {
public float myFloat;
MyClass( float _myFloat ) {
myFloat = _myFloat
public void showNumber() {
println( myFloat );
I'm struggling to translate that code to Clojure using proxys, any help will be much appreciated
Apparently deftype is more suitable for my purposes, but I'm still struggling with its implementation
Here is my Clojure code:
(deftype Particle [x y]
(render [this]
(fill 200 30 180)
(ellipse x y 200 200)))
Thing is I need to specify a protocol which I'm not sure which one to use, so I'm using Object as I'm trying to create a java-class like object but I get the folloiwng error message:
Can't define method not in interfaces: render
I'm using quill which is a Processing port for Clojure if that helps
OK I manage to get a working defprotocol and deftype combo, but there is 1 more thing I need to leran how to do and that is to add member variables or properties to my class, here is my clojure code:
(defprotocol ParticleProtocol
(update [this])
(render [this]))
(deftype Particle [position]
(update [this])
(render [this]
(fill 200 30 180)
(ellipse (.x position) (.y position) 20 20)))
To this object I would like to add a couple of variables like radius among others, any ideas?