I have a problem...
There are four scenes in my game: An opening scene, a scene to select players, the actual game play scene, and the game over scene.
I am running into problems when I load my actual play scene additional times
Application.LoadLevel("Let's play the game!")
This is how I am leaving this scene:
if(GUI.Button (new Rect (x, y, w, h), "Quit", buttonStyle))
Application.LoadLevel("Opening Screen");
When I load my desired level a second time, the camera is supposed to be following the first player. This is not happening. I provide an option to "restart", which would resolve that issue, but I don't want this event happening in the first place.
More serious concerns GameObjects that were dynamically loaded. I am receiving "'GameObject' has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it." I am not sure where this is coming from, as I don't see where I had previously called "Destroy" anywhere. Furthermore, the objects dynamically created do appear in the hierarchy, when I am running the app inside Unity.
I think the root of my problem lies with the failing camera, but I'm not sure how to approach fixing it.
Does anyone have any recommendations?