
I'm trying to upgrade a SharePoint site from 2010 to the 2013 version.

I had a web control in my master page that I really can't get to work in sharepoint 2013.

I have built the web control in a class file and deployed the dll to the web application so it appears in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\bin

I have then edited the default master page adding at the top of the page.

<!--SPM:<%@ Register TagPrefix="Gnie" Namespace="GNIE.SharePoint.Core.Branding"Assembly="GNIE.SharePoint.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=aad712380eccafda" %>-->

I have added the control to the master page as so

<div> <!--SPM:<Gnie:TaxonomyNavigationControl ID="taxnav" ListName="Documents" FieldName="Technical Document Type" runat="server" />--> </div>

The Web control code is quite standard

namespace GNIE.SharePoint.Core.Branding


[ToolboxData("<{0}:TaxonomyNavigationControl runat=server></{0}:TaxonomyNavigationControl>")]

public class TaxonomyNavigationControl : WebControl

/*code here */


When I try to view the page in sharepoint I get error saying Unknown server tag 'Gnie:TaxonomyNavigationControl'


1 Answers


Try to replace:

<!--SPM:<Gnie:TaxonomyNavigationControl ID="taxnav" ListName="Documents" FieldName="Technical Document Type" runat="server" />-->


<!--MS:<Gnie:TaxonomyNavigationControl ID="taxnav" ListName="Documents" FieldName="Technical Document Type" runat="server" >-->