
I want to show a list of items with single select. Up on selecting an item, a dialog should appear showing details of that item. So far the list and selecting and even some details are showing, but a nested list is emtpy.

JSF source:

      <h:form id="studyListForm">
        <!-- Main list with selectable Items -->
        <h:outputText value="Study List"/>
        <p:dataTable id="studyList" selection="#{studyRepositoryController.selectedStudy}" selectionMode="single" value="#{studyRepositoryController.studyList}" var="item">

          <p:ajax event="rowSelect" listener="#{studyRepositoryController.onRowSelect}"   
              update=":studyListForm:display :studyListForm:studyPropertyList :headnavigation:growl" oncomplete="studyDialog.show()" />  

          <p:ajax event="rowUnselect" listener="#{studyRepositoryController.onRowUnselect}" update=":headnavigation:growl" />

          <p:column headerText="ID" >
            <h:outputText value="#{item.id}"/>
          <p:column headerText="Name">
            <h:outputText value="#{item.name}"/>

        <!-- The dialog for a single item -->
        <p:dialog id="dialog" width="600" height="400" header="Study" widgetVar="studyDialog" resizable="true" showEffect="fade" hideEffect="explode">
          <!-- Study Details -->
          <h:panelGrid id="display" columns="2" cellpadding="4" rowClasses="aligntop">
            <h:outputText value="ID"/>
            <h:outputText value="#{studyRepositoryController.selectedStudy.id}"/>

            <h:outputText value="Name"/>
            <h:outputText value="#{studyRepositoryController.selectedStudy.name}"/>


          <!-- Property List -->
          <p:dataTable id="studyPropertyList" value="#{studyRepositoryController.selectedStudy.studyPropertyList}" var="item">
            <p:column headerText="ID" >
              <h:outputText value="#{item.id}"/>
            <p:column headerText="property" >
              <h:outputText value="#{item.property}"/>
            <p:column headerText="text_value" >
              <h:outputText value="#{item.textValue}"/>

As explained, most of it works. The main list is shown and when I click on an item, the dialog appears showing the id and name of the selected item. But the nested list


is emtpy. And so the datatable shows no rows: enter image description here

The list itself is a simple database entity:

  public PrimeStudy getStudyList(){
    List<Study> list = (List<Study>) em.createNamedQuery("Study.findAll").getResultList();

    Iterator<Study> it = list.iterator();
      Study s = it.next();
      log.debug("Study " + s.getId() + " PropertyListSize:" + s.getStudyPropertyList().size());
    PrimeStudy modelList = new PrimeStudy(list);

    return modelList;

And the debug output shows:

 Study 1 PropertyListSize:2
 Study 2 PropertyListSize:0
 Study 3 PropertyListSize:0
 Study 4 PropertyListSize:0
 Study 5 PropertyListSize:0

Any suggestions?

[Update] I added the missing dataTable update in the ajax event as suggested by partlov to show a working solution.


2 Answers


As I can see you didn't update your second dataTable. Add studyPropertyList to your update list of p:ajax event for selecting row. Also you really should not create your list in getter, do that in @PostConstruct method as getter is called multiple times during page lifecycle.


Do not create new List in Getter method. Pre generate the List in Constructor of Bean or as partlov said use @PostConstruct method.