I am using THREE.JS rev 49.
My program needs to update a mesh by changing it's geometry. Unfortunately the display does not seem to update.
Here is my code :
// theObject is an array of associatives :
// {
// object1: {mesh: undefined/THREE.mesh, mat: THREE.Material, geo: THREE.Geometry}
// object2: {mesh: undefined/THREE.mesh, mat: THREE.Material, geo: THREE.Geometry}
// ...
// }
// In my function, theObject[i].mesh geometry must change to be theObject[i].geo.
for(i in theObjects) {
if ( theObjects[i].mesh == undefined) {
theObjects[i].mesh = new THREE.Mesh(theObjects[i].geo, theObjects[i].mat);
theObjects[i].mesh.geometry.dynamic = true;
theObjects[i].geo.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
} else
theObjects[i].mesh.geometry.vertices = theObjects[i].geo.vertices;
Do I have to add something else ?