
I am looking for some good tools (free or paid, though free tool is always preferred) for doing following operations on word doc files:

  1. Manipulation of doc/docx/text files (like replacing some placeholders with DB values) as well as

  2. converts doc files to .pdf

Because, I will be using this tool in my WCF service library, So I am looking for a code library and not for a GUI based product.

Please share your experience regarding same.

Thank you!


3 Answers


Aspose has a decent collection of MS Office and PDF manipulation libraries.

Aspose Homepage

On the off chance that you're only looking for PDFs for viewing or archival purposes, you could also setup a PDF print driver and print your office files into a given location using Automation. You could also edit Office files through Automation although this may be tedious.


VSTO would give you access to the save as PDF from the Office applications.


Please see my answer to a related question on SO where I recommend a number of ways to convert your Word document to a format that is more easy to manipulate programmatically (using XSL-FO).