
We are looking to get a report: https://developers.google.com/youtube/analytics/v1/available_reports dimensions:country filter:videoId for ALL our videos.

In order to do that we getting all our videos (https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/search/list)

and looping through each video (we need the breakdown per country for each video)

the question 1. is that the best way to go? 2. we are not getting the private videos since the search does not return them but the analytics page in youtube does take them into consideration so we have a data mismatch.

any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!

I have tried what you suggested and no luck. I am getting only the public video and not the "private","unlisted" ones. i need those since they do exist in the YouTube Analytics data.Raanan Raz
it works! had to set "auth" in the test console. only one problem remains and that is the the title i am getting is "private video" and not the actual title. thx@Raanan Raz

2 Answers


To get your videos, you can use channels->list 'with mine=true' and get relatedPlaylists


playLists->list with your channelId and 'mine=true'


you can go through these videos with playlistItems->list


As of Aug 28, 2014 it is now possible to fetch metrics for up to 200 videos per API call. See information here: https://developers.google.com/youtube/analytics/revision_history