
I have tried to create multiple Cpp files on visual studio 2012, my code parts are here:


// externTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "...\externTest\externTest\write.h"
// Global variables
int Count = 5;
// Extern functions
extern void write_extern ();
int main()
    int count = Count;
    getchar ();
    return 0;


#ifndef WRITE_H
#define WRITE_H

// Includes
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Variables
extern int count;
// Function prototype
void write_extern (void);
#endif // !WRITE_H


// write.ccp
// Includes
#include <...\externTest\externTest\write.h>
// Functions definition
void write_extern ()
    cout<< "Count is: \t" << count;

Finally get the following error, which is basically not recognizing the write.h file even I that the path is correctly defined:

falouji\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\externtest\externtest\write.cpp(5): warning C4627: '#include <...\externTest\externTest\write.h>': skipped when looking for precompiled header use 1> Add directive to 'stdafx.h' or rebuild precompiled header

Finally thanks in advance for your help :)

Small remark: you have different counts: one Count, the other count.Aneri

2 Answers


You either have to include stdafx.h, or disable precompiled headers in the project options.


You have made a project that uses precompiled headers, so compiler looks for #include "stdafx.h" line as first include in the .cpp files, you can change this in the following way:

1) Right click the file in the solution view and open properties

2) Expand the C/C++ subsection

3) Under Precompiled Headers and set Create/Use Precompiled Header to Not Using Precompiled Headers

Or just make an empty project and add your files to it, whichever is best.