I using mysql stored procedure which uses to retrieve list of object. Is this possible ?
I'm following this article
- How to retrieve the list of object like in select statement using result set ?
How to map the result set to list of object ?
INT, OUTcountryCode
INT, OUTdialCode
INT, OUTcustPrefix
VARCHAR(50), OUTvendorPrefix
VARCHAR(50), OUTcustPrice
FLOAT, OUTvendorCost
FLOAT, OUTprofit
FLOAT) LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA SQL SECURITY DEFINER COMMENT 'generateLCRReport' BEGIN select c.country_code as countryCode, c.dial_code as dialCode, c.customer_prefix as custPrefix, c.vendor_prefix as vendorPrefix, max(cust_rate.rate) as custPrice, min(ven_rate.rate) as vendorCost, round(max(cust_rate.rate) - min(ven_rate.rate), 3) as profit from cdr cinner join (select a.id, r.rate, re.country_code, re.dial_code, ap.prefix from rate r inner join region re on r.region_id = re.id inner join account_prefix ap on r.account_prefix_id = ap.id inner join account a on a.id = ap.account_id where ap.prefix_type = 0 ) as cust_rate
on c.country_code = cust_rate.country_code and c.dial_code = cust_rate.dial_code and c.customer_prefix = cust_rate.prefix and c.customer_id = cust_rate.id
inner join (select a.id, r.rate, re.country_code, re.dial_code, ap.prefix from rate r inner join region re on r.region_id = re.id inner join account_prefix ap on r.account_prefix_id = ap.id inner join account a on a.id = ap.account_id where ap.prefix_type = 1 ) as ven_rate
on c.country_code = ven_rate.country_code and c.dial_code = ven_rate.dial_code and c.vendor_prefix = ven_rate.prefix and c.vendor_id = ven_rate.id where c.country_code = countryCodeParam group by c.country_code and c.dial_code order by c.country_code asc limit 5000;
public class LCRReportSP extends StoredProcedure {
/** * */ @Autowired public LCRReportSP(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, String storedProcName, RowMapper<CostReport> mapper) { super(jdbcTemplate, storedProcName); SqlReturnResultSet rs = new SqlReturnResultSet("", mapper); SqlOutParameter outParam = new SqlOutParameter("countryCode", Types.INTEGER); SqlOutParameter outParam1 = new SqlOutParameter("dialCode", Types.INTEGER); SqlOutParameter outParam2 = new SqlOutParameter("custPrefix", Types.VARCHAR); SqlOutParameter outParam3 = new SqlOutParameter("vendorPrefix", Types.VARCHAR); SqlOutParameter outParam4 = new SqlOutParameter("custPrice", Types.FLOAT); SqlOutParameter outParam5 = new SqlOutParameter("vendorCost", Types.FLOAT); SqlOutParameter outParam6 = new SqlOutParameter("profit", Types.FLOAT); this.declareParameter(rs); this.declareParameter(outParam); this.declareParameter(outParam1); this.declareParameter(outParam2); this.declareParameter(outParam3); this.declareParameter(outParam4); this.declareParameter(outParam5); this.declareParameter(outParam6); this.setFunction(false); this.compile(); } /** * @param countryCode * @return */ public Map<String, ?> generateLCRReport(int countryCode) { Map<String, Object> inParam = new HashMap<String, Object>(); inParam.put("countryCodeParam", new Integer(countryCode)); return this.execute(inParam); }
Please help.
– Anubhab