Today I had a problem sending messages to an azure service bus topic. I have 260 subscribers. Most of them had 0 messages pending, a few that had their client application switched off had about 8,000 pending messages.
My topic is called arklefeed, when I started getting the timeouts in my application, I opened the sample application, Service Bus Explorer.
I was able to view my Topic and subscriptions. Sending messages gave timeouts. Exception: A timeout has occurred during the operation.. TrackingID:Guid_GO_B12.
I then created a new topic called testtopic in the same namespace and tried sending messages via Service bus explorer, this worked fine.
After this to get back up and running quickly I deleted my topic and recreated the subscriptions. After this the message sending worked fine.
I have seen this online, but I can't see where I'm breaking any of the rules:
What could have been causing my initial timeouts? Could it have been a build up of messages not being collected, or do I have too many subscribers?