
I need to run unit tests for a Symfony2 application against two different DB configurations, one using a MySQL database and the other using a SQLite database.

I currently choose the DB configuration to use when running unit tests by editing app/config/config_test.yml. I either uncomment the MySQL-related db settings and comment-out the SQLite-related db settings or vice versa.

I'd like to not have to do this and to instead have two configuration files - perhaps app/config/config-test-mysql.yml and app/config/config-test-sqlite.yml - and choose the test environment from the command line when the tests are run.

Having looked at the default Symfony2 phpunit config in app/phpunit.xml.dist and having looked at the bootstrap file that config utilises (app/bootstrap.php.cache), I cannot determine how the environment defaults to test when running unit tests.

How can I choose the environment to use when running unit tests?

When will people stop relating to tests involving a database as unit tests?Elnur Abdurrakhimov

1 Answers


I haven't tried this solution but I am sure this is a good lead.

My unit test class extends Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase which enables you to create a Client which itself creates a Kernel.

In your unit test, you could do this:

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;

class DatabaseRelatedTest extends WebTestCase
    private static $client;

    public function setUp()
        // this is the part that should make things work
        $options = array(
            'environment' => 'test_mysql'
        self::$client = static::createClient($options);
        self::$client->request('GET', '/foo/bar'); // must be a valid url

You will be able to access the EntityManager and by extension the Connection using the container of the client.


The ideal would be to pass the environment's name to the setUp method using the phpunit.xml.dist file. It's probably a half-answer but I believe it's a good lead.