In my application I'm having a QListWidget with custom widget items, containing among others a progress bar, set by QListWidget::setWidget(). I have been forced using a QListWidget instead of a QListView and a delegate, because the view/delegate solution does not animate the progress bar in the item widget as it would do normally.
My problem is that when scrolling the QListWidget, the custom widgets does not follow. They seem to be simply "glued" to the background. Only when resizing the surrounding widget manually, the QListWidget rearranges the child widgets correctly.
Here's how I'm adding a widget to the QListWidget:
QListWidgetItem* widgetItem = new QListWidgetItem("");
DownloadItemForm* dlItemForm = new DownloadItemForm(el);
ui->listWidget->setItemWidget(widgetItem, dlItemForm);
widgetItems.insert(el, widgetItem);
Am I missing something here? Seems like others are having problems as well (the last comment is mine):
Does anyone know of a workaround, or am I simply just missing something here?
Just to clarify a bit further: I'm using Qt 4.8.4. While I hoped the issue would be fixed in 5.x, it's still there in 5.0.1 On Mac OS, a progress bar is animated: Even when there is no progress update, the progress bar has a slowly flowing animation within it. This animation is not running when using view based widget and an item delegate. Running the Torrent Qt example on a Mac will support this claim. The progress bar animation works when using QListWidget, injecting widget items containing a form widget with a progress bar.
Looking at the Qt 4.8.4 source, QListWidget::setItemWidget() looks like this:
void QListWidget::setItemWidget(QListWidgetItem *item, QWidget *widget)
QModelIndex index = d->listModel()->index(item);
QAbstractItemView::setIndexWidget(index, widget);
which tells me that the problem probably lies within QAbstractItemView. I suppose I'll have to jump into it and try to fix the problem from there, and hopefully create a patch, unless someone comes up with a revelation.