I am trying to convert every frame of my DirectX program to YUV (for video encoding). Therefore I need the RGB(A) values of each pixel on every frame first. I need to get these from the backbuffer.
Because there is no glReadPixels in DirectX, I do the following:
- Get pointer to the backbuffer's renderTargetView and get the backbuffer resource
- Cast this resource to
- Make a staging texture and
the texture2D from the previous step.
At this point I can use D3DX10SaveTextureToFile
and this staging texture will correctly save the backbuffer as an image.
However, I don't want to use the disk as a detour, I want to get the RGB data right away, so I do the following:
- Map the staging resource
- Read the pData of the mapped texture to get the RGB(A) values
The problem: the RGB values are rubbish. This is an example for pixel (1,1)
(1, 1) = (-170141183460469230000000000000000000000.000000, -170141183460469230000000000000000000000.000000, -170141183460469230000000000000000000000.000000)
This is particularly strange because I use the same code to Map another staging texture (from another offscreen render target) and this code works just fine there.
This is my code:
// Get resource pointer to backbuffer
ID3D10Resource *backbufferRes;
// Cast backbuffer resource to texture2D
ID3D10Texture2D* tempTexture = 0;
backbufferRes->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D10Texture2D),(LPVOID*) &tempTexture);
// Get the descriptor of this texture2D
D3D10_TEXTURE2D_DESC descDefault;
// Create a staging texture desc based on the texture of the backbuffer
D3D10_TEXTURE2D_DESC descStaging;
descStaging = descDefault;
descStaging.Usage = D3D10_USAGE_STAGING;
descStaging.CPUAccessFlags = D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_READ;
descStaging.BindFlags = 0;
// Create the new empty staging texture
ID3D10Texture2D *texture = 0;
m_D3D->GetDevice()->CreateTexture2D( &descStaging, NULL, &texture);
// Copy the backbuffer texture data (tempTexture) to the staging texture (texture)
m_D3D->GetDevice()->CopyResource(texture, tempTexture);
// This call works perfectly, image is correct!
// D3DX10SaveTextureToFile(texture, D3DX10_IFF_BMP, L"D:\\img.bmp");
// We want to avoid disk access, so instead let's map the texture and read its RGB data
D3D10_MAPPED_TEXTURE2D mappedTexture;
hr = texture->Map(D3D10CalcSubresource(0, 0, 1), D3D10_MAP_READ, 0, &mappedTexture);
FLOAT* m_pBits = (FLOAT*) malloc(4 * descStaging.Width * descStaging.Height * sizeof(FLOAT));
if(!FAILED(hr)) {
memcpy(m_pBits, mappedTexture.pData, 4 * descStaging.Width * descStaging.Height);
texture->Unmap(D3D10CalcSubresource(0, 0, 1));
fp = fopen("D:\\output.txt", "a");
for( UINT row = 0; row < descStaging.Height; row++ )
UINT rowStart = row * mappedTexture.RowPitch / 4;
for( UINT col = 0; col < descStaging.Width; col++ )
r = m_pBits[rowStart + col*4 + 0]; // Red (X)
g = m_pBits[rowStart + col*4 + 1]; // Green (Y)
b = m_pBits[rowStart + col*4 + 2]; // Blue (Z)
a = m_pBits[rowStart + col*4 + 3]; // Alpha (W)
// Save pixel values to disk
fprintf(fp, "%d %d - %f %f %f\n", col + 1, row + 1, r, g, b);
Does anyone have an idea on what the problem might be? All help is really appreciated.