I can't see any built-in methods in TweenMax that lets you "wiggle" an object from side to side. It needs to be a really quick animation from its start position such as: x -> x-5 -> x+5 -> x-5 -> x+5 -> x.
4 Answers
Well i think you can use this, I found something similar but was for AS/Flash version so I had to make it JavaScript and it works for me, is simple:
var shakeTween = function(item, repeatCount){
var max = 5;
var min = -5;
TweenMax.to(item,0.1,{repeat:repeatCount-1, x:Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min), delay:.1});
TweenMax.to(item,0.1,{y:0, x:0, delay:(repeatCount+1) * .1});
See the working example here
Where item is the HTML Element reference (you can use jquery or wharever) and repeatCount is how many times will play the wiggle animation.