Update: I modified the example so that can be compiled and tested.
I have an implicit class that defines an enrichment method:
case class Pipe[-I,+O,+R](f: I => (O, R));
object Pipe {
// The problematic implicit class:
implicit class PipeEnrich[I,O,R](val pipe: Pipe[I,O,R]) extends AnyVal {
def >->[X](that: Pipe[O,X,R]): Pipe[I,X,R] = Pipe.fuse(pipe, that);
def <-<[X](that: Pipe[X,I,R]): Pipe[X,O,R] = Pipe.fuse(that, pipe);
def fuse[I,O,X,R](i: Pipe[I,O,R], o: Pipe[O,X,R]): Pipe[I,X,R] = null;
// Example that works:
val p1: Pipe[Int,Int,String] = Pipe((x: Int) => (x, ""));
val q1: Pipe[Int,Int,String] = p1 >-> p1;
// Example that does not, just because R = Nothing:
val p2: Pipe[Int,Int,Nothing] = Pipe((x: Int) => (x, throw new Exception));
val q2: Pipe[Int,Int,String] = p2 >-> p2;
The problem is it doesn't work when R
is Nothing
in the second example. It results in an compiler error: In such a case, I get the following compiler error:
Pipe.scala:19: error: type mismatch;
found : Pipe[Int,Int,R]
required: Pipe[Int,Int,String]
val q2: Pipe[Int,Int,String] = p2 >-> p2;
Why does this happen?
I managed to solve it by creating a separate implicit class for that case:
trait Fuse[I,O,R] extends Any {
def >->[X](that: Pipe[O,X,R])(implicit finalizer: Finalizer): Pipe[I,X,R];
protected trait FuseImpl[I,O,R] extends Any with Fuse[I,O,R] {
def pipe: Pipe[I,O,R];
def >->[X](that: Pipe[O,X,R]) = Pipe.fuse(pipe, that);
def <-<[X](that: Pipe[X,I,R]) = Pipe.fuse(that, pipe);
implicit class PipeEnrich[I,O,R](val pipe: Pipe[I,O,R])
extends AnyVal with FuseImpl[I,O,R];
implicit class PipeEnrichNothing[I,O](val pipe: Pipe[I,O,Nothing])
extends AnyVal with FuseImpl[I,O,Nothing];
But can I rely on Scala's behavior in the future, that it will not consider Nothing
as an option for R
? If that changes in the future, the code will stop working because I'll have two different applicable implicits.
Pipe.fuse(this, that)
be ratherPipe.fuse(pipe, that)
? – ghikB
? It doesn't seem to be declared anywhere. – ghikPipe.fuse
? – ghikPipe.fuse
. Actually, I have two methods, one is>->
and the other is<-<
forfuse(pipe, that)
, I added the other one too. But it isn't really relevant to the problem withNothing
. – Petr