I need to simulate a buyer transaction in my paypal sandbox environment. Essentially, a buyer is a user that decides to subscribe to my service, which is done using the Paypal NVP API method: DoDirectPayment.
Reading the documentation, I gather that a buyer in this case will essentially be a Personal account, and basically to make any kind of api call, I require API credentials. However, the PAYPAL Developer website does not show any kind of API credentials for this personal account :
I do have a business account, and that does state the corresponding API credentials. The link I am referring to is : https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/documentation-tools/ug_sandbox#credentials
where it states that the API credentials are specified for all accounts.
The only rationale I have behind this are :
a) personal accounts do not get API credentials,
b) I need to simulate a DoDirectPayment API with my business account API credentials, but documentation states that to simulate a buyer transaction I must use a personal account.
c) I need to set API credentials manually somehow.
Any leads?