For the past days, I've been trying to make a ping pong like game. I have 2 paddles and a ball. All dynamic sprites. Everything's been working well except for one issue I'm having. The ball tends to bounce on the same angle at some point. So there would be times when the player can simply move the paddle on a specific part and the game can go on for a while or might be forever, since the ball doesn't change its angular velocity regardless of which part of the paddle it hits. I'm using a combination of linear and angular velocity to keep the ball moving like so:
if(_isPaused == FALSE)
_world->Step(dt, 10, 10);
for(b2Body *b = _world->GetBodyList(); b; b=b->GetNext()) {
if (b->GetUserData() != NULL) {
CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite *)b->GetUserData();
if(sprite.tag == 2)
b2Vec2 dir = b->GetLinearVelocity();
float currentSpeed = dir.Length();
int maxSpeed = 60;
float accelerate = vel;
if(currentSpeed <= maxSpeed)
b->SetLinearVelocity(accelerate * dir);
sprite.position = ccp(b->GetPosition().x * PTM_RATIO,
b->GetPosition().y * PTM_RATIO);
sprite.rotation = -1 * CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(b->GetAngle());
//Keep sprite from bouncing in a straight angle
So my question is, how can I manipulate the angular velocity to keep the ball bouncing on different angles everytime it collides with my paddle? I'm thinking something like getting the current angular velocity then multiplying it with some value but I'm not sure if that's the right way to approach the issue I'm having. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.