Here is a visual representation of the UISplitViewController:
I'm trying to present a UIViewController (myVC) that's a subview of a UIView inside the DetailViewController of a UISplitViewController using this:
[appDelegate.splitViewController presentViewController:myVC animated:NO completion:nil];
It presents, I dismiss it, the app rotates without a hitch, then when I try to reload the detail view by clicking on a cell in the rootViewController (a UINavigationController), all the [orangeUIView removeFromSuperview] messages are mysteriously disabled (there are more orange UIViews hidden here that are inside a mainScrollView). The "INFO LABEL" in the topToolbar is updating, so I know the cell is sending data...
Why would this activity disable removeFromSuperview if presented using splitViewController? I've presented myVC using the detailViewController...
[appDelegate.detailViewController presentViewController:myVC animated:NO completion:nil];
which doesn't disable removeFromSuperview, but causes an assortment of other rotational crashes.
What's going on here?