
I'm currently learning the Scala programming language (love it by the way) and have recently found out of implicit conversions. So i have my class Complex and its companion object. and in my companion object i want thees implicit conversions:

    implicit def convertToComplex(x: Double) = new Complex(x, 0);
    implicit def convertToComplex(x: Int) = new Complex(x, 0);
    implicit def convertToComplex(x: Float) = new Complex(x, 0);
    implicit def convertToComplex(x: Short) = new Complex(x, 0);
    implicit def convertToComplex(x: Long) = new Complex(x, 0);

in order to not bloat my Complex number class with overload for +,-,* and / for add number types.

So my question is:

Is there a shorter way to write the implicit conversions with some syntactic sugar of sorts? (i mean without all the overloads...)

Thanks in advance.

What is the type of the two coordinates? Is it fixed to say Double, or is Complex`` parametric? From the code snippet I gather it is not parametric (and so it probably types as Double so as to be able to accomodate all the input types), but I'd like a confirmation.Régis Jean-Gilles
Have you thought about using scala's built in numerics? It gives you something like this def plus[T: Numeric](x: T, y: T) = x + yNoah
@RégisJean-Gilles both the real and the imaginary parts are Double.boogie666

3 Answers


You could do something like this

object ConvertComplex {
  case class Complex[T: Numeric](x: T, y: Int) {

    val nX = implicitly[Numeric[T]]

    def doSomething = nX.toInt(x) * y
    def doSomethingElse = nX.plus(x, nX.fromInt(y))

  object Complex {
    implicit def convertToComplect[T: Numeric](x: T) = Complex(x, 0)


And the test results:

def doSomething[T: Numeric](x: Complex[T]) = x.doSomething
def doSomethingElse[T: Numeric](x: Complex[T]) = x.doSomething

val double = 1: Double    //> double  : Double = 1.0
val int = 1: Int          //> int  : Int = 1
val float = 1: Float      //> float  : Float = 1.0
val short = 1: Short      //> short  : Short = 1
val long = 1: Long        //> long  : Long = 1

doSomething(double)       //> res0: Int = 0
doSomething(int)          //> res1: Int = 0
doSomething(float)        //> res2: Int = 0
doSomething(short)        //> res3: Int = 0
doSomething(long)         //> res4: Int = 0

doSomethingElse(double)   //> res5: Double = 1.0
doSomethingElse(int)      //> res6: Int = 1
doSomethingElse(float)    //> res7: Float = 1.0
doSomethingElse(short)    //> res8: Short = 1
doSomethingElse(long)     //> res9: Long = 1

You need Integral rather than Numeric if you want Complex with method /.

Here is an almost completed solution:

scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

import scala.math.Integral

class Complex[T: Integral](val real: T, val imag: T) {
  import Integral.Implicits._
  def +(that: Complex[T]) = Complex(real+that.real, imag+that.imag)
  def -(that: Complex[T]) = Complex(real-that.real, imag-that.imag)
  def *(that: Complex[T]) = Complex(real*that.real - imag*that.imag, real*that.imag+imag*that.real)
  def /(that: Complex[T]) = {
    val d = that.real*that.real + that.imag*that.imag
    Complex((real*that.real + imag*that.imag)/d, (-real*that.imag+imag*that.real)/d)
  override def toString: String = imag.signum match {
    case 1  => "" + real + "+" + imag +"i"
    case -1 => "" + real + "" + imag + "i"
    case _  => "" + real

object Complex {
  import Integral.Implicits._
  def apply[T: Integral](real: T, imag: T): Complex[T] = new Complex[T](real, imag)
  object i extends Complex[Byte](0.toByte, 1.toByte)
  implicit class Real2Imag[T](val imag: T) {
    def *(v: i.type)(implicit ig: Integral[T]) = Complex(ig.zero, imag)
  implicit def promote[U, V](c: Complex[U])(implicit ev: U => V, il: Integral[V]) =
    Complex(ev(c.real), ev(c.imag))
  implicit def real2complex[T: Integral](real: T) = Complex(real, implicitly[Integral[T]].zero)
  implicit val doubleIsIntegral = scala.math.Numeric.DoubleAsIfIntegral

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

warning: there were 2 feature warnings; re-run with -feature for details
import scala.math.Integral
defined class Complex
defined object Complex

scala> import Complex._
import Complex._

scala> val c1 = 3 + 4*i
c1: Complex[Int] = 3+4i

scala> val c2 = 3.0 + 4.0*i
c2: Complex[Double] = 3.0+4.0i

scala> val c3 = c1/c2
c3: Complex[Double] = 1.0

scala> val c4 = 3 - 4*i
c4: Complex[Int] = 3-4i

scala> val c5 = c2*c4
c5: Complex[Double] = 25.0

You can write your pow method as this (Note how to generate a Complex one):

  def pow(n: Int): Complex[T] = {
    val one = Complex[T](implicitly[Integral[T]].one, implicitly[Integral[T]].zero)

scala> i.pow(2)
res5: Complex[Byte] = -1

scala> i.pow(10)
res6: Complex[Byte] = -1

scala> (1+1*i).pow(4)
res7: Complex[Int] = -4

scala> (1+1*i).pow(5)
res8: Complex[Int] = -4-4i

Yes, there is. I assume the Complex class has Double parameters. Then you can write an implicit conversion in one shot.

implicit def doubleToComplex[T <% Double](x: T): Complex = new Complex(x, 0)