I have a jquery ui slider that is linked to a numerical textbox. The slider has a max and min value.
See ui slider with text box input or Using knockout js with jquery ui sliders for a knockout js implementation.
My question is: is it possible to set the value of the slider to above the max or below the min?
If value
is outside the range it is set to the max or min of the range:
$(element).slider("value", value);
So for example, say the slider represents the percentage of your monthly salary between 50 and 100. Monthly salary is set to 10000. If you slide the slider it will vary from 5000 to 10000, but I still want users to be able to input values outside of the range. So if the user inputs 12000 the slider will slide to max, and if the user inputs 2000 the slider will slide to the min.