This is an Windows MFC programming issue. I have a derived CComboBox which implement its own item draw and measurement. I did a little enhancement that the drop down list width is adjustable based on the list content. I use SetDroppedWidth in OnDropDown message handler to do it. After I insert strings and click the combo box, the selected string content seized all static/edit area, and drop down button is missing. I could see the width of the item, which has item ID -1, is changed/reset to the new dropped width in ItemDraw method. I don't think this is the right behavior. I want the new dropped width only take effect on list items, item ID of which is not less than 0. Any idea?
1 Answers
Try to use this.
In your OnDropDown handler Call CComboBox::GetComboBoxInfo. It will return you the pointer of COMBOBOXINFO
structure. This structure among the others contains the HWND of the dropdown listbox hwndList
. Use MoveWindow() API on this hwndList directly and see if it works
If that does not work, try posting the CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH
message. As you know, SetDroppedWidth
is just a wrapper for CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH
message. It is implemented as a SendMessage
call. Try this one:
::PostMessage(m_myComboBox.GetSafeHwnd(), CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH, nWidth, 0);