I cant create a proper pagination system using laravel 4. I have the following models and function that return collections:
Model Restaurant:
public function fooditem()
return $this->hasMany('Fooditem','rest_id');
public function get_rest_foods($id){
return Restaurant::find($id)->fooditem->toArray();
The second function returns all food items for a certain restaurant as an array. I also use this in an API call.
in my controller i have this:
$food = $food->get_rest_foods($id);
$paginator = Paginator::make($food, 10, 5);
I pass the paginator to the view and it shows the links ok but also shows all my item from the food array.
I tried using
public function get_rest_foods($id){
return Restaurant::find($id)->fooditem->paginate(5);
but i get an error:
FatalErrorException: Error: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::paginate()
I searched this and many other sites but cant understant how to paginate a collection.
Thanks for your help