i hope that someone got an Idea how i can fix the following problem.
We have XP and Win7 clients in our company. The clients have Office 2003, Office XP and Office 2010.
A Question first:
Is it possible to add an .ps1 startup script on Windows XP? Maybe with: %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe script.ps1 Executionpolicy on the Clients: Remotesigned (No Cert available!)
If 1 is possible: Copy the content of \Servername\Netlogon\OutlookSignature\%Username%_CompanySigFolder Path into the following Path C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures\DefaultCompanySignatureName
If 1 is not possible: I will run a normal .cmd Startup Script 1 day before that copies the Files to %appdata%....
Now the real question:
After the files are copied, is it possible to set the new Signature to the Users Default Outlook Signature? I have read that it might go via registry entry, but found no detailed information.
I got full access through PS-Remoting to all Computers in the Domain. Will this work, if an Outlook Session is active?
The Script must distinguish between XP an Win7 an then between Office XP,2003 and 2010.
Thanks in Advance! Daniel