I'm trying to make this test work, but I couldn't get my head around how to write a test with FileReader. This is my code
function Uploader(file) {
this.file = file;
Uploader.prototype = (function() {
function upload_file(file, file_contents) {
var file_data = new FormData()
file_data.append('filename', file.name)
file_data.append('mimetype', file.type)
file_data.append('data', file_contents)
file_data.append('size', file.size)
url: "/upload/file",
type: "POST",
data: file_contents,
contentType: file.type,
success: function(){
// $("#thumbnail").attr("src", "/upload/thumbnail");
error: function(){
xhr: function() {
myXhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
myXhr.upload.addEventListener('progress',showProgress, false);
} else {
console.log("Upload progress is not supported.");
return myXhr;
return {
upload : function() {
var self = this,
reader = new FileReader(),
file_content = {};
reader.onload = function(e) {
file_content = e.target.result.split(',')[1];
upload_file(self.file, file_content);
And this is my test
describe("Uploader", function() {
it("should upload a file successfully", function() {
spyOn($, "ajax");
var fakeFile = {};
var uploader = new Uploader(fakeFile);
But it never gets to reader.onload