
I've using Highcharts 2.3.5. In the "exporting' object, under "chartOptions", I'm able to change some things when exporting, like the background color of the chart, but I haven't been able to enable the dataLabels nor change the marker size.

Here's an example, of what works and doesn't work. In this case, when exporting, I want to change the background color (which works) and make sure the data labels appear (which doesn't work) : ...

    exporting : {
        chartOptions : {
              chart: { backgroundColor: '#ff0000'}, //this works
              plotOptions: {
                    pie : {
                               dataLabels: {enabled: true}  //this one doesn't work

Am I missing something obvious? j


1 Answers

        exporting: {
            chartOptions: { // specific options for the exported image
                plotOptions: {
                    series: {
                        dataLabels: {
                            enabled: true
            scale: 3,
            fallbackToExportServer: false